World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I



World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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Memorial to the Stalag Luft I Prisoners of War
 in Barth, Germany

front view of Stalag Luft I  memorial site in Barth, Germany

back view of memorial site w/ church steeple in background

The memorial is physically on the site where the German administration buildings were located. It is beautifully landscaped with a large granite boulder sitting amidst a flower garden. On the boulder are two bronze plaques, one written in German the other in English. The text is as follows:

This plaque is dedicated by the citizens of Barth and the Royal Air Force Ex-Prisoners of War Association on 28 September 1996 to commemorate all those held prisoner at Stalag Luft I, sited here from July 1940 to May 1945: members of the British Commonwealth and United States of American Air Forces and their Allies from the occupied countries and the Soviet Union. 


To one side of the boulder are four flag poles flying British, American, Russian and the POW/MIA flags. Forming the apex of a triangle, there are three types of trees: American pine, British oak and Russian birch.


Memorial Plaque in Savannah for Dad and his crew

Memorial Plaque  we had installed in the Memorial Gardens at the 8th Air Force Heritage Museum in Savannah, Georgia in memory of our father and his crew. As it states they are America's Sons and Our Heroes

Aaron Kuptsow in Memorial Gardens in Savannah, GA

Dr. Aaron Kuptsow  stands beside the plaque in the Memorial Gardens


398th Bomb Group Memorial Monument at 8th Air Force museum in Savannah, GA

The 398th Bomb Group Memorial in the Memorial Gardens at the 8th Air Force Heritage Museum in Savannah, Georgia.


 Click on photos to enlarge and view full size

Memorial to Stuart Mendelsohn and Richard Hensley

Yves Carnot at Black Swan Monument in France The Black Swan, piloted by Verne Woods, crashed into a French farmer's barn in the small village of Bannalac in Brittany.  Fifty five years later, on October 31, 1998,  Yves Carnot, the grandson of the farmer into whose barn The Black Swan had crashed erected a small graniteMemorial in France to B-17 Black Swan monument in memory of  Verne Wood's two crew members who died there.  Carnot sent Verne a video of the ceremonies which were attended by some 300 people.  Included among them was a representative of the American embassy in Paris.  But neither Verne nor any of the other surviving crew members were able to attend.  Earlier in the year, in May, 1998, Carnot had visited Verne and his wife in Lexington, Massachusetts, bringing with him several aluminum scraps from The Black Swan recovered from the crash site.  Verne referred Mr. Carnot to the curator of the 91st Bomb Group museum in Bassingbourn, England, and Carnot sent the curator several scrap pieces for display in the museum.  The curator, Steve Pena, subsequently wrote Verne to say: "You'll be pleased to learn that pieces of The Black Swan have at last returned to Bassingbourn."


Memorial to the crew of "Ginger" erected by the villagers of Schoeneck, France in 1998

In August, 1998, the French village of Schoeneck, France, where "Ginger" crashed, erected a granite monument to honor George Lesko and his crew for their efforts to liberate France.  It was around this time that George learned that four of his crewmembers had been executed by the SS shortly after bailing out of their plane in 1944.  The SS men responsible for this were tried in the Nuremburg process at the end of the war.  They were convicted and sentenced to death by hanging.   Ginger Memorial in France     Memorial to crew of B-26 Ginger in WWII

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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.