collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I
If you are a former Prisoner of War or a next of
kin of a POW, we invite you to sign and leave your email address so others that
come may find you. Please mention camp, compound, barracks and room numbers if
To verify an American prisoner of war and learn the camp he or
she was held in search the United States National Archives -
American Prisoner of War database. Search by last name or
last name first, no comma then first name. Please note this
information is by no means compete or necessarily accurate - it is the
best they could do from trying to reconstruct information from several
sources considered official. I have found many POWs that I know
were in Stalag Luft I listed in other camps. In some cases they
may have been at the camp listed for a short while and then transferred
to Stalag Luft I. Many POWs were moved around a lot, especially as the
war progressed and the camp they were held in was in danger of being
If starting from scratch, you should first try to locate the service member’s military
service records in your families records. If you can not locate them
then you can request a copy of the their military service
here to initiate a request for Military Service Records from the
National Archives eVetRecs online. You will need to print
and mail to obtain the copies, they are not delivered online. Or
you may download and print this form at
http://www.archives.gov/research/order/standard-form-180.pdf or contacting the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC),
St. Louis, MO to request "Standard Form (SF) 180, Request
Pertaining to Military Records", at the following (314) 538-4261
or fax (314) 538-4175. Please be aware that many records were lost in
1973 fire. But this is a good place to start.Here is more information about this form.
If you are researching an Army Air Force service member, once you
have identified the group or unit he served with you should try to contact his
Bomber or Fighter Group Memorial Association to obtain basic information, like crash date, crewmembers,
etc. Many of these groups now have websites. To find the group's
contact person search the internet to see if they have a website. If you do not know the
group number, try to find the discharge papers which will indicate the
Group or Squadron (there were usually 4 squadrons to a group).
Missing Air Crew Reports are invaluable and one of the most
easily obtainable reports from the government. I can not
stress enough how valuable this report will be to you in your research. To
obtain your copy of a WWII airplane crash simply send an email to inquire@arch2.nara.gov or
regular mail to:
National Archives and Records Administration
Textual Reference Branch
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone 301-713-7250
Give them as many details as you know about the crash, such as crash
date, Bomb Group, crash site (if known), pilot, etc. and of course the
address you would like the report mailed to. They will then mail to
you (it takes about a week) the full governmental report on the crash,
including eyewitness accounts and any German documents (in English) that
they acquired after the war. It may come on micro-fiche, so you may
have to go to your library to read and /or print copies. They
also will send you a bill for $5.00 for this service along with the documents.
Click here for a full description of the MACR report (
or scroll down to the bottom of this page). Here is a link to
search for
MACR numbers by date of crash.
The MACR also contains the names of the other crew members on the
plane when it was shot down. You
may wish to contact them or their next of kin. There
are several ways to try and contact them. The quickest way is check
with the American Ex-Prisoners of War
Organization and see if they are a member. Send them an
email with the name and the
military group they were assigned to and ask them to check their
membership directory and let you know if that person is or ever has been
a member. If they find them in their records they can provide the
current address, phone number and the POW Camp they were held in.
If that fails you could try doing a "people" search on
the Internet using
Switchboard.com or Whitepages.com
(of course this really works best if it is an unusual name, etc.).
You also might try searching the AOL member directory. If these fail
you can write to:
Department of Veterans Affairs
Records Management Center
P. O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115
They can not give you an address, but can forward a letter to the
last known address for the Veteran. Again you must give as much
info as possible about the veteran (military group, dates of service,
area of service, etc) so they can locate the proper person you are
looking for.
Once you learn the crash site, you should write to the town's
archivist or historian, who can assist you in trying to locate any accounts of
the crash. Ask them to forward your letter to a historical
association in the area and/or hand your request to a local newspaper
which could publish a note asking eye-witnesses to contact
you. However, you will have to give them as many details of the
crash as possible (exact crash location, day, time and other
circumstances, which you will find in the MACR). There
are surprisingly many people still alive that witnessed these crashes
and researchers are having good luck finding them. (On a personal note
I have just located two eyewitnesses to my Dad's crash.) Click here to read the eyewitness
accounts of my Dad's crash.
The American Ex-Prisoners of War
has a monthly publication called the Ex-POW Bulletin that is mailed to
all its members, as well as published on their website. Try
placing an ad in their "Looking For"
section. There is no charge for placing the ad. Here is
the link to that page on their site http://www.axpow.org/lookingfor.htm
Veterans may request issuance or
replacement of their medals and awards. Family members may
only request medals and awards of living veterans by
obtaining their signed authorizations. For deceased
veterans, requests will be accepted from next-of-kin (unremarried
widow or widower, son or daughter, father or mother, brother
or sister of the deceased veteran).
Military Awards and Decorations contains instructions
and addresses for submitting requests. A
sample authorization is also included for review.
To obtain the Prisoner of War medal -
see this page on our site
Good luck in your search for information, I am sure it will be worth
every hour you put into it. In doing so you will meet some wonderful
people, some of whom may have wondered for 50 plus years whatever happened
to your loved one.
In October 1942, Headquarters, Army Air Forces (AAF) undertook a 7-month
study of the methods used in World War I to account for airmen reported
missing in action and of the sources currently available for the same job.
It was determined that those methods and sources were not adequate to World
War II air war activities, and in May 1943 AAF recommended the adoption of a
special form, Missing Air Crew Report (MACR), to record the facts of the
last known circumstances regarding missing air crews. The MACR was also
designed to relate that information to facts obtained later and from other
sources, with the aim of determining the ultimate fate of missing personnel.
The War Department approved the AAF recommendation, and on May 23, 1943,
the Adjutant General directed that within 48 hours of an official finding
that an aircraft or any member of its crew was missing and had last been
seen in combat or over enemy-held territory, an MACR be prepared by the
station from which the aircraft had departed. These forms were then sent to
Headquarters, AAF, in small batches and numbered consecutively there. The
Casualty Branch, Headquarters, AAF, served as a central collection point for
MACRs throughout the war. In late 1946 all MACRs at AAF Headquarters were
transferred to the Identification Branch of the Memorial Division, Office of
the Quartermaster General. These forms were a valuable part of the
Quartermaster Department's postwar program to identify missing American
military personnel. AAF units continued to prepare and submit MACRs though
1947 and in January 1949 all of those postwar reports were turned over to
the Memorial Division.
Most of the reports of missing air crews [MACRs], 1943-47,
therefore, are reports prepared soon after aircraft were reported missing,
but some were prepared after the war by both AAF and the Office of the
Quartermaster General. A few were also prepared, more or less "after the
fact," for crashes that had occurred before the MACR form was
institutionalized in May 1943. The reports in the series are arranged
numerically in case files. It should be emphasized that the dates in the
series title, 1943-47, refer to the timespan of the investigations, not to
the dates of the aircraft losses themselves; the series covers only wartime
losses plus a very few that occurred immediately after the end of
The MACRs generally are used best in conjunction with other records but
in a very few cases may be the only documentation available concerning a
given individual. Four indexes to MACRs are available, arranged according to
the following:
1. Personal name of each crew member 2. Tail number of lost aircraft 3. Date of loss 4. Serial number of each gun mounted on lost aircraft
The indexes indicate the number of the MACR in which the indexed term is
found. Index entries occasionally contain "extra" information, such as the
service number of an individual crew member. The reports themselves have
been microfilmed by the National Archives and are available for
reproduction. The indexes have not been microfilmed.
Typically an MACR gives some or all of the following kinds of information
about each crew member:
1. Name 2. Rank 3. Service number 4. Crew position 5. Name and address of next of kin.
The report also usually indicates the following:
1. AAF organization to which the aircraft was assigned 2. Place of departure and destination of the flight plan 3. Weather conditions and visibility at the time of loss 4. Cause of crash 5. Type, model, and serial number of the aircraft and its engines 6. Kinds of weapons installed and their serial numbers
Some case files include the names of persons with some knowledge of the
aircraft's last flight. In some cases these are rescued or returned crew
members. Few reports contain the full range of information, especially those
prepared in 1943 and in 1947.
The MACRs are arranged numerically in case files from 1 to 16,708, with a
small incidence of irregularities and gaps in the numbering. The duplication
of numbers was rectified with the addition of suffixes--"a,b,c," etc. Only
about 120 of the case files are actually missing.
From our guestbook:
From: Terry Thomas E-mail:reneefarm1@aol.com Hometown: Sadieville ky Sent: 2:05PM - 7/24 2000
I too lost my father many years ago (41). I knew his B-24 was shot
down over Vienna Austria in Sept. 1944. My father,2nd Lt. John E Thomas and
the bombardier got out of the plane before it exploded. The seven other crew
members were killed. Both survivors were hurt while they were landing and
taken prisoner, first by the civilians, who tried to hang them, then by the
Germans. They ended up at Stalag Luft III, and then Stalag Luft VIIA, with
other crews from the 450th and 720th.
My father never talked of the war after he came home so I had very
little information to go on. After about 1 hour on the internet and a few
phone calls, I found the bombardier my father was POW with, he was alive and
well and overjoyed to talk with me. He (Dillard R. Cantrell) has sent me
information and documents that I though were lost for ever. Also through him
the navigator, who was pulled off the flight has called me, he too had
stories and pictures which he has sent me. My mother, sister, and I will be forever grateful to these men for
opening their lives and memories to us. Our father lives again, our tears
flow , but we are overjoyed to learn about our dad, and the young men who
sacrificed their youth and their lives to save the world.
P.S. Don't ever give up your search, its out there!
Terry Thomas
787 Hinton Cemetery Rd.
Sadieville, Ky. 40370