World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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Page 2 - Photos from Conference and Tour
Stalag Luft I Reunion - September 8, 2001

Barth, Germany


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Ashley, Vasily, Mary and Barbara at Red Army Memorial Ceremony at Russian Red Army Memorial site Russian Red Army Memorial in Barth

Bill DiRosario, Sven Uentzelmann and Vasily Bezugly enjoying program presented by the students at  Barth High School Sigrid Gotsch (the chairwoman of the association sponsoring the conference in Barth) with George Lesko Former Stalag Luft I prisoners of war listen to program at the Barth High School

Mary Smith speaking at Helga Radau appreciation dinner with Sven Uentzelmann Helga Radau accepts appreciation plaque presented by Ellis Gibson Peggy Williams, Barbara, Mary and Ashley at Hotel Speicher in Barth

Bill and Mildred Kaplan
St. Mary's church in Barth

Barth Airport

Fence at Barth Airport

Street in Barth with Damtor Gate in background

St. Mary's church Steeple


St. Mary's as viewed from Market Square in Barth



Barth Harbor view from Hotel Speicher


Marguery and Paul Kaufman at POW Honors Banquet in Salzburg Klessheim Palace - the site of the Prisoner of War Honors Banquet in Salzburg, Austria

Irwin and Sterra Stovroff at the POW Honors Banquet in Salzburg

Ellis Gibson of Travel Designs with Connie Kupchunos and Walt Borton of Travel Designs at Klessheim Palace

The Limehouse family with Ellis "Gib" Gibson of Travel Designs.
 L to R:  Bubba, Jane, Beth, Kathryn, C.W. Sr., Chris and Gib

The Kaufman's and Kaplan's at the POW Honors Banquet in Salzburg

Polly and Ben Core at the POW Honors Banquet

Banquet at Klessheim Palace

L.C. Tipton with Esther and Ben Livesay at Banquet

Little Ashley and Big Ashley

Mary, Susan, Linda, Michael, Fran, Perk, Ashley and Ashley

Michael Woods and Ashley Olson on our bus.  Grandson and great grand-daughter of Perk Chumley

Irwin Stovroff, Ashely, Mom and Mary in Nuremburg Bill Kaplan with Stephen Scherer (the son of the commandant of Stalag Luft I from 1943-1944) John Kirkham and his daughter Connie at Hitler's rally site in Nurenburg

Barbara and Ashley standing where Hitler stood to address the Nazi Party at the rally grounds in Nuremburg

Perk Chumleys grandchildren and daughters on the Nazi Parade street in Nuremburg

L to R: Michael Woods, Mindy Olson, Susan McMillan and Linda Tucker

Ashley, Barbara and Mom (Peggy Williams) at Welcome Dinner in Berlin

Ashley and Bill Kaplan on Hitler's parade street in Nuremburg

Lunch together in Salzburg -  Connie and Rich Kupchunos dine with her parents - Wanda and John Kirkham Bill Kaplan


Perk Chumley with Helga Radau  Note the black flag in background, in recognition of the 9/11 attack on America which had occurred just  two days earlier. These flags were flying all over the city of Salzburg, Austria. Wanda and John Kirkham with our bus driver Hans (center)


Entrance to Nazi bunkers located inside this hotel in Obersalzburg




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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.