World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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This resolution was signed by everyone in North 2, Block 7, Room 13 shortly before they were liberated.



Stalag Luft 1, Barth, Germany

8 April 1945.

SUBJECT:            Resolution /Pertaining to the Future/

TO:                  Commanding Officer, Prov. Room 13. /Thru Channels/

            1.   In as much as there has been quite a bit of animated discussion re the above mentioned subject, the following is respectfully submitted.  It is recommended that this be given full publicity in your command, and suggestions, comments and opinions of each individual be obtained.

                                                                                    R. E. GILES

                                                                                    2nd Louie, U. S. AAF

                                                            1st Ind.


HEADQUARTERS, USAAF PROVISIONAL ROOM 13, North Compound 2, Barth, Germany, 9 April 1945.  To:  All personnel this Command

            1.  For the information of all concerned.

            2.  All individuals concurring in the following Resolution will so indicate by signing name and giving address.

            3.  Signatures of two-thirds majority of all members of this command will constitute a ratification of the Resolution.

                                                                                    C. E. CREGAR,

                                                                                    1st Lieut. /Stinky/, U.S. AAF





            We, the herein undersigned individuals, having, in the course of the fortunes of war, come to know each other and to associate with each other so as to form a peculiar and unique fellowship among ourselves, do resolve:

            That in remembrance of our association, each with the others, and in appreciation of what life was, is, and will be, we shall not forget!  And further, that we, each and everyone of us, shall earnestly endeavor to gather ourselves together at a designated meeting place, one year from the day that we shall be freed to arise and go up out of the land of Germany.

            And that, at that designated meeting place we shall, in remembrance of our associations with each other, and to recall to mind the way of life as it was at Barth, Germany, make a temporary conversion to the ways, manners and habits of “Krieg existence;” and this shall be done as a remembrance of Room 13, Block 7, North Compound 2, Stalag Luft 1, Barth, Germany.

            And further, that, if due to the fortunes of war, with the enemies of the United States of America, that it be impracticable to gather ourselves together the first year of our freedom from the land of Germany, that we shall, sincerely and earnestly, endeavor to commemorate the anniversary of our freedom from Germany in the first year of peace which immediately follows the cessation of wars involving our country, the United States of America.

            And that, we shall, each and everyone of us, correspond one with the other, at least twice a year, preferably at the time immediately prior to the anniversary of our freedom from the “land of bondage.”

F R E E D O M   D A T E     ____________________


Signed by Robert J. Ellsworth “Scrawn”, Riverside, California; Edgar Nelson, DuBois, Pennsylvania; Clarence E. Stouffer, Wilmington, Delaware; James M. Barnett “Tex”, Grayville, Illinois; Robert E. Giles, Spindale, North Carolina; George F. Holden, Stoneham, Massachusetts; Anthony J. Nardone, Rochester, New York; Jesse J. Brashers, Claremore, Oklahoma; Carl M. Kennedy “Mush”, Fayetteville, North Carolina; Howard J. White “Ish”, Denver, Colorado; Harry F. Newcomb Jr., Haddonfield, New Jersey; Robert V. Ayette “Scoop”, Rochester, New York; Charlie E. Cregar Jr. “Stinky, Trenton, New Jersey; Gary E. Anderson, Damascus, Virginia; Jerry M. Campbell, Orange, Texas; Robert K. Cavan, Birmingham, Michigan; Hubert I. Bloom, Rochester, New York; and Howard Havoalle, Mansfield, Massachusetts.



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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.