World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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2nd Lt. Homer Harrison Phipps  "Harry"
Navigator - B-24
Stalag Luft I  - POW #5942 - 4 Oct 44 thru 13 May 45

Shot down over Bingen, Germany on 13 Sept 44 on his 12th mission

8th Air Force, 2nd Bombardment Div., 14th Combat Bombardment Wing,

392nd Bombardment Group (H), 579th Squadron (call sign "Faceup")

Campaigns: Southern France, Northern France, Rhineland

Decorations: Air Medal, POW Medal, and EAME Theater Ribbon w/ 3 Bronze Stars (for 3 theaters: European/African/Middle-Eastern)

Passed away in 1978 -  Email family -

His plane that day,
Envy Of ‘em All (AC# 42-50279), a Consolidated B-24H-20-CF Liberator was shot down, on his crew’s 12th mission on 13 Sep 44 at 1215 hrs by flak guns near Bingen, after dropping 500-lb high explosive GP bombs on Hitler’s Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter final assy plant at Schwabisch Hall Airfield, Germany.

Six of the crew perished in the plane or during bail-out: Odis L. Apple, Charles E. Vavra, Earl J. Propst, L. G. Floyd, Bruce Forsberg (Bombardier), and Al E. Joynt, (Pilot).

Phipps was uninjured in his parachute jump and immediate capture. After a brief confinement, including solitary at Dulag Luft (Oberusal), he was held POW (ID #5942) at Stalag Luft 1 (northern Germany near Barth, Pomerania) from 4 Oct 44 until 13 May 45 when the Russians liberated the camp. His POW quarters included Compounds: North 1, Block 3, Room 10; North 3, Blk 6, Rm 6; and North 3, Blk 8, Rms 8 & 9.

The aircrew of 10 (under Pilot Al Joynt) had flown 8 other planes on their earlier 11 missions listed below: Liberty Belle on the crew’s first mission; Axis Grinder; GC-TEC–C (42-51186); AC155; AC231; Little Joe; Idiot’s Delight; and Carol Ann.

For many years, he stayed in touch with the three other crewmen who survived bail-out and were captured: Roy A. Smith, Jr., Engineer; C. L. Hester, Waist Gunner; and Ed J. Taylor, Co-Pilot.

The Aircrew’s 12 Missions:

  1. 12 Aug 44  AC 42-50647 Liberty Belle Juvincourt, France

  2. 13 Aug 44  AC 42-50623 Idiot’s Delight Pont-Aude-Mur, France

  3. 14 Aug 44  AC 42-51186 GC TEC-C Lyon, France

  4. 16 Aug 44  AC 44-7495 Axis Grinder Kothen, Germany

  5. 18 Aug 44  AC 42-51238 Little Joe Nancy, France

  6. 25 Aug 44  AC 231 ? Schwerin, Germany

  7. 26 Aug 44  AC 42-50647 Liberty Belle Salzbergen, Germany

  8. 8 Sep 44  AC 42-50647 Liberty Belle Karlshrue, Germany

  9. 9 Sep 44  AC 155 ? Mainz, Germany

  10. 10 Sep 44  AC 41-29448 Carol Ann Ulm, Germany

  11. 12 Sep 44  AC 44-7495 Axis Grinder Northeim, Germany

  12. 13 Sep 44  AC 42-50279 Envy Of ‘em All Schwabisch-Hall, Germany


Envy of em all - B-24


B24 Aircrew photo



Service as Aviation Cadet (Army SN 17132689)

 St. Louis 12Nov42, enlistment

 Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis, MO, 2Feb43, Cadet training

 Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA, 1Mar - 15May43, Pre-Flight Course

 Santa Ana, CA, 18May - 15June43

 Ellington Field, TX, 18June -24Aug43

 San Marcos, TX, late Aug - 23Dec43, Advanced Navigator Training


Service as Commissioned Officer, 2nd Lt: 24 Dec 43 to 12 Dec 45

Selman Field, LA, 14Jan - 28Feb44

 Hammer Field, Fresno, CA, 13-30Mar44

 Muroc, CA, 31Mar - 5Jun44, Combat Crew Training with 382nd BG

 Embarked USS Mauretania 28Jun44 in Boston; arrived Liverpool, England, 6Jul44

392nd BG, 579th Sqdn at Wendling Airfield, near villages of Beeston and Wendling, Norfolk England

 Shot down over Germany 13Sept44 on 12th mission : POW, Stalag Luft 1, 4Oct44 - 13May45

 Liberated: evacuated to Camp Lucky Strike in France, 31May45, and shipped out of le Harve aboard USS Admiral Benson, 6Jun45; arrived NY City, 12Jun45.

 San Antonio, TX, 16Sep – 22Oct45 for processing and reassignment. Terminal Leave 23Oct-12Dec45

 Promoted to 1st Lt., 1Dec45

Service in USAF Reserves, 1st Lt.: 2Feb46 - 1Apr53



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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.