World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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More Stalag Luft I Photos 

Click on photo to enlarge.

View of Flak School from Stalag Luft I, Barth, Germany   Flak seen from our POW camp.


Russians arriving at Stalag Luft I     Russian "wheels".  Major Pritchard in background.


Departure day at Barth, POW camp, World War II    Barth Airport, May 13, 1945  note charged wire. Col. Malmstrom, Capt. Smedley (leaning over)  P-38 model he made showing on his cap.  This is departure day from Barth.


Roy Dutton reading bulletin board at Stalag Luft I 1945     Roy Dutton reading bulletin board.


Grady Embree shaving at Stalag Luft I. World War II     Grady Embree shaving, Room 7, Block 2,  South Compound.


Dell Meyers saying goodbye to Dwight Hartles - WWII    Del Meyers saying goodbye to Dwight Hartles.


German Guard Tower at Stalag Luft I    Guard tower located near the kitchen, South. Flak school is just out of the picture to the left - across fields.


Russian giving a speech at Stalag Luft I - WWII     A Russian giving a speech.  Major Pritchard behind Russians.


Phil Jenny and Walsh eating in room at POW camp    Phil Janney (hard to see him) and Walsh at chow in room 7, Block 2, South.  Following the arrivals of the Russian troops.


Arrival of Americans to POW Camp in World War II   Arrival of Americans in a jeep.


Mitch Mullholland gets his wings at POW Camp.  WWII    Mitch Mulholland being presented w/ Sr. Pilot Wings, May 1945.  Art Smedley is doing the honors while Ed Cannon , Fred Kennie and Newbold look on.


Phil Bern - March 1945, Stalag Luft I - POW camp WWII    Phil Bern and our beloved Blackie, the only cat that survived the month of March 1945.


Phil Janney coming thru the gate at Stalag Luft I    P. Janney coming through the gate between the South Compounds.


Arrival of first Americans at Stalag Luft I - World War II Prisoner of war camp   The arrival of the first Americans.


POWs in their rooms at Stalag Luft I    Ed Cannon reading on Schisler's sack.  Janney at the window . Room 7, Block 2 Souith.


Ed Cannon at Stalag Luft I    Ed Cannon.


South Compound at Stalag Luft I.     South Compound taken from one of the guard towers . Barracks 1, 2 & 3 in the picture.


Field Forces at Stalag Luft I after liberation    D. Hartle, Keathley, Sands, Joe Martin as "Field Forces"


Del Meyers and Art Smedley with German sword at POW camp.    Del Myers, Art Smedley examine a German sword.  Del obtained the camera after the Germans fled the arrival of the Russians.


Jerry Kites, Ju88 and FW190   Jerry Kites, Ju88 and FW 190


Thanks to Fred Kennie and Edwin Davidson for the above photos!!


Russian Dance troupe entertaing the POWs at Stalag Luft I     Russian Dance Troupe entertaining the POW's in Barth after liberation.  Photo by Roy Kilminster - RAF POW at Stalag Luft I


Russian dancers with prisoners of war at Stalag Luft I     Russian Dance Troupe girls with POW's in Barth.  Photo by Roy Kilminster - RAF POW at Stalag Luft I


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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.