World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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Kriegsgefangenenlager Nr. 1 d. Lw.
Barth, 24.6.1944


To:  S.B.O and S.A.O.

On the evening of June 19, 1944 two members of Group III, were working under block 13, New Compound.  The Ps.o.W. tried to prevent the German soldiers from doing their work by impetuous trampling on the floor and pouring hot water.  I state that this interference happened in spite of the S.A.O's and S.B.O's affirmation that any incident proving lack of discipline would be stopped for the time to come.  One of the German soldiers then fired two shots to the height which made the Ps.o.W. stop their troubling the German soldiers and return to their rooms.


Afterwards the block leader of block 13 confessed to a member of Group III that this interference was made  _ _ rthry, in this connection your attention is drawn to the fact that the Ps.o.W. will risk their lives wantonly if this undisciplined attitude will not be altered.



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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.