To: The Senior American Officer
Re: Conference between the Kommandant and the S.A.O. on the
Behavior of the Ps.o.W. during "Alert"
The answer from the superior Authorities
concerning the above referred to matter, has in the meantime
arrived, which says that the Ps.o.W. at Barth have to remain in
their barracks during "Alert".
In future should "Alert" be given, the
Lager officer or a representative of his and some interpreters will
go into the camp and notify the Ps.o.W. of the alarm, and give the
order to the Ps.o.W. to retire into their barracks. If the not carry out the order, the German personnel will leave
the compound. In this case the guards will be instructed to
make use of their arms, thus enforcing the order that the Ps.o.W. to
remain in their blocks.
Shortly after "Alert" has been given,
the gate leading to the Mess Hall in the North Compound will be
locked . Ps.o.W. who have not finished with their meal at this time,
have to remain in the Mess Hall during "Alert".