World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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Friday – 27th Oct.


Dearest Son,


                Well, here goes with the pencil again.  My new found fountain pen has gone bad, but I’m sure you had rather hear this way than not at all.


                I’m sick- I’ve got a terrible cold and I’m mad as everything.  Here I have gone all fall with everybody having one and now here I get it at last.  I’m at the shop all right but I feel like “the dickens”. 


                We had our first letter from you in over two weeks yesterday.  It was written on the third, I think.  Martha had one written the fourth about ten days ago then yesterday a letter came in written in Sept.  Where it has been all this time no one knows.  Emory says he is having a hard time getting her mail.  One letter was half burned up even, but I suppose hey are doing the best they can.


                Bob Spann was in a minute ago.  I told him it sure did make me home sick for you.  He asked all about you.


                Monday, Oct. 30th                                       


Today was a big day with us.  The postman brought us five letters, then came in around 11:00 and brought another one making six in all ranging from 17th, 18th, 19th back to the 12th.  The 19th being the last one.  It was a lovely one you wrote on your birthday.  You are a pretty nice person anyway and I kinda like you.


                So from these letters you are not a “pathfinder” the way Geo told us and what you had said before we were sure it was that, but you seem to be making your missions pretty regularly, so I decided before this letter came that your weren’t.  Hugh White must be though because he has been there since April and has only made 22.  His mother is hearing regularly now so she feels so much better.  I believe the mail is going to be better now that the Xmas rush is over.  I hope so because it sure does do something to you to get mail form your love ones.


                I’m so glad you like the book I sent you, will try to send you some more.  They only cost $.25 and are copies of $2.50 and $3.00 books.  I have tow pair of woolen socks that Mother bought for you.  I will try to get it off this week as I feel you need them. As to the comb you have one in that box I said was just things that would keep you from going to the P.X.


                I’m saving your letters so you can read between the lines to me when you get home, some of your remarks are clever as the Dickens such as the 16th hole of golf, etc. but some we do not figure as you want us to do I’m sure. It goes completely over our heads.


                Molly is still single and just as pretty as ever.  I understand she wants to get married.  What’s the matter with her? She has enough beaus’. Is she hard to get along with, high tempered or what?  Please tell me cause I like her so much and I can’t find any fault in her.


                Daddy has written you about Buck Davis I know.  Well, his mother told me this morning that the government had sent her the D.F.C, air medal and something else, I’ve forgotten so he must be on his way home.  I’m like Daddy now, we may have to move out he may fill this place with so much hot air, but all kidding aside.  He will have a lot to tell I’m sure.  All his crew escaped their prison and were taken back to their old base in Italy.


                It’s sad the way Fran has faith her husband is coming back. Her baby is due any day and she says its just waiting for its Daddy to get home, etc.   Lilly Mitchell still hasn’t had her baby its way over due.  Betty Britt Moore has a boy named Jr.  The O.B. Carter’s have a young daughter.


                Mother is suppose to go to sister (she has been sick), but Mother has taken my cold and I’m afraid she can’t get off this week.  Write Sister sometimes she’ll appreciate it.


                Can’t think of any more. I’m praying for your safe return.








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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.