World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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Dearest Son,


        I believe we are missing some of your letters.  We had one you wrote the 17th next we got one written the 22nd now today came one written 20th and one 26th but I guess we are darn lucky to get any with the war materials etc. going over.  You mentioned you were back from a three-day leave.  Wonder if you went to see Emory – Martha thought you were going there the weekend of the 23rd.  You have been mighty good about writing and you don’t know how much good it does us here on the home front.  We are sweating it out too.  George Ferrell says he had rather be over there than here waiting for mail and going thru what we do when we don’t hear.  I believe two weeks is the longest for us then I sent you the wire – hope you received it.  I wanted to let you know also that we could get in touch with each other.  Although I sent the wire last Thursday and here it’s Wednesday, I haven’t had an answer – Glory be!  The postman just came by with another batch of mail and your letter written the 30th came in – hooray for you !!!


        This is a birthday letter to you.  I sent you a book. “The Man No One Knows” for your gift and will buy $ 50.00 bond  ? this letter.  I’ll start off with the remark that you may be 22 sugar but you are still my baby.  I pray over you always hoping as I did from the first that I can raise you to be a joy and comforter to those around you – after all friends and the good will of our fellow man mean more than money, etc.  That was Jesus way of life he was sent to earth to show us how we were suppose to live – and we all miss the mark so far. But.. we can keep trying .  Your are unfortunately an only child – that means you are spoiled in having your own way about things, but I believe you have a level head and after having to share and share alike in the Army you will snap out of that.  Sizing it all up you are O.K. by me – in fact, I think you are swell.  I will be thinking about all day the 19th and hoping you are enjoying your birthday, here’s wishing you many, many more!!!


        You are suppose to get about ten boxes for Xmas or remembrances anyway even Daisy and Jim Barr got your address. Sister Georgia – Esther - Barbara Sue (Box)- U.S.O. – Margaret (Box) Mother (Box)- Julian Cox (Box) – our three – Kate.  I have sent two books as an 8 oz. Package before the Xmas boxes.  Hope you will receive them ahead of the others.


        We figure you have made about 10 missions.  Hope we are right. I figure the medal (five)  + cluster makes 10.  If you are on a pathfinder plane tell us you remember the path that lead to the Country Club by the back road or say you do not remember the path that lead to the Country Club etc.


        I really think Xmas must be here, the first cold snap and the clothes are pouring in.  Skeet says we are ganging up on him his last week.


        Saw Martha when I went home to dinner she doesn’t think you went to see Emory that 3-day pass for some reason.  You will probably go later.  Margaret waved me down and told me she had just gotten a letter from you.


        Guess Daddy told you that we were cutting out delivery. He has to press and there’s no one to go out with me. So I think it will work out best after all.  We have decided not to sell.  Thanks for the interest you took in us tho’.  We can pick up delivery after you come home maybe.  I believe Mrs. Reid will stop when we do as she is having a terrible time with help also.  Ray Lewis quit delivery a year ago, so I say again it will all work for the best I’m sure.


        Many happy returns of the day darling, I hope your next one will be spent back here with us.


        I’m praying for your safe return each night.







Oct. 10, 1944



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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.