World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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Dearest Son,


        Some kind soul left this fountain pen in their clothes and have not called for it , so I’m going to use it.  Now you won’t have to be ashamed of my letters.


        Sunday we had George Ferrell for dinner.  I had chicken fixed like we always fix it – English peas, snap beans – dressing  - rice & gravy, pear salad – ice cream (choc.) and cup cakes.  He seem to enjoy the meal and especially the hot rolls.  We have a very good cook right now but you never know how long you can keep one.  After dinner Daddy went to play golf and we talked.  I asked everything I could think of and it all sums up to the fact that its not very much the Army doesn’t give you.  My boxes I’ve sent you will seem silly but I didn’t know what to put in them and I still don’t know what you need.  I read in the papers this morning that they had 53 carloads of boxes in New York and couldn’t get them loaded on the boats.  They are just begging people to help out so you can get them by Xmas.


        George went back to Napier Field Monday and he says he was surprised at the number of boys still down there that were there when he was there.  One boy that was a Lt. is now a Major etc. If I see him before I mail this I’ll get him to tell me some names of the boys he saw. You can remember them I’m sure.


        Monday was the day we received the four letters and a very happy day for us.  We usually go a week then receive three of four straight in a row but this time they all came at one time.  I believe you are receiving our mail sooner now as you referred to a letter of Ramser Stanberry and he wrote you around the 13th while he was here  on leave or it may have been his old letter sent to that B.J. 22 number.  We receive you letters in about 10 days from the time you write them - - which is pretty good I think…and I would like for you to get ours that quick. When you begin receiving ours that quick be sure to let us know because its so disheartening to be writing someone and feel that they may not receive them at all.  Herbert’s gone now as has Ramser and Graddy Poole.  Aren’t you glad you have this much behind you and aren’t you glad you aren’t in the Navy; they will be the last to get home.  


        Again let me ask you if you have a bottom gunner on your ship – and I hope to goodness my letters aren’t censored to you.  Yours are censored but not a single one has been opened.  They are all just stamped “Censored”.  Saw Pap’s name on the letter the other day for the first time to recognize it had Capt. on it.  I know he’s proud.  He is an awfully nice person.  Still haven’t gotten the picture of his father for his box so it hasn’t gone off yet.


        Have got to close and begin making our bills, yes it’s the 27th but I’m sure going to be sick over them being so little as we have had to drop family wash, you know.


        I’m praying for you each night, keep sweet.








 September 27, 1944   


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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.