World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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Dearest Son,


We have gotten 2 boxes off for your Xmas.  We aren’t sending anything of special value.  I am now working on 2 boxes, one for Lt. Pappas and the other for Bill Meister in Italy.  They both will be like the box I first sent you, just soap & shaving cream, shoe polish – writing paper etc.  I have asked Mr. Jaxon to take a picture of Mr. Pappas to put in Pap’s box.  I’ll also add a Time magazine and an issue of Reader’s Digest to Pap’s.  Please tell him I wish I knew something he wanted but his mother could not tell me a thing so I just had to get these few little things to get anywhere near a nice box. I promise you it will be nothing to be ashamed of but money could not repay our appreciation of the little things he has done for you.  This box may save him a few steps over to the P.X. and a few pennies out of his pocket book.


Fred Blackmon’s wife presented him with twin boys Sunday. Don’t you know he is about to burst with pride?  It didn’t happen here so I can’t go into details. Speaking of children have I told you of the future group of Mother and Fathers?  Paul Salter – Sara and Mary Flewellen, Lenora Salter and Boots –“Sli” Reeves has just given birth to a young son and Lilly Mitchell is expecting any moment.  Billy comes home for the big event tomorrow.  Betty Britt Moore and Frances Johnson will add their bit to the population in October. Sister will do her bit around Xmas.  She is undecided about where the event will take place but I feel sure she will stay with Ben in New Orleans.  She has a splendid doctor there also.  We had hopes of their moving here but times are changing so rapidly that you do not know what you will be doing next month even.


The Luke girl (that James McKenzie went with) lost her husband in France the other day.  He was with Patton’s Third Army.  R.L. Cody phoned his mother and father from Charleston, S.C. Sunday. Said he was in good spirits and health.  He was on his way to some northern camp for the blind. He has promise or rather hope for one eye.  Hugh White is at A.P.O. 558. that must be near you.  He is nearly through with his missions.  George Ferrell was at 558 also but didn’t know Hugh. 


Daddy tells me he has written you about George Ferrell being here but maybe I will put in some things he didn’t so here goes.  He looks grand.  Not nervous like the boys from the South Pacific – doesn’t mind talking about his missions, etc. at all. And he has made them and gone right on to fill a date with a girl afterward. Of course all weren’t that easy.  In fact his last two were made on D-day.  He said he was sure his base was the best one in England – good food, etc.  I told him you would fight him about that as you thought the same thing.  He said that each group made it easier for the next, which is natural. We believe you are in the Pathfinder group but aren’t quite sure. Is Klenzon still with your crew _ sorry you lost Spiess.  I don’t think I wrote his people but anyway I haven’t had an answer as yet from any of the boy’s people I wrote.  I wired Zimmer’s mother when we didn’t hear from you (while you were in Maine) She wired back and said she would like my address so she could write.  I wrote what I thought was a nice letter but so far I haven’t had an answer - that’s been almost 2 months - so I suppose she doesn’t intend on writing.  Going back to George Ferrell - he doesn’t know what they will do with him he has 3 weeks here.  I’ll keep you posted as to the route he takes you may be interested.  Barbara Sue is hearing right along from her husband.  He is a P.W. (prisoner of war) you know.  Also they hear from Buckie Davis in Slovakia - right between Hungary and Romania - hope both boys can be liberated soon.


Aunt Esther called me last night and said that she had received a letter suppose to be from you but she was sure you had gotten Churchill to write it as no young boy your age could have written such a letter, but she thought you were mighty smart to get Mr. Churchill as busy as he was to write the letter for you.  In other words she appreciated the letter very much and thought it was exceptionally good.  Sister Clyde received her's yesterday also and we received four - 2 written 17th, 2 written 19th one of these was to Mother.


I am so proud of you earning your Air Medal and I shall cherish it very much.  Stay in there punching and come out well and healthy.  You have a big job to do and we realize it more than you think we do but like you we all put on a good front.  You are catching H__l we know but all we can do is to pray and trust.  It’s hard on us too.


Now as to your education after the war, I’m in favor of it if you have any special thing in mind.  I suggest journalism, you write exceptionally well. Talk to the newspapermen every chance you get as to what the future will be for them and what they think about it.   You know you can always have a job here. It’s a case of traveling around interesting people etc. in journalism but no home life - or here with us -  home, friends, small salary - same people all the time.  Which type life are you best suited for?  Of course you could use your writing ability another way that is to write books etc.  I just think you are talented along that line but how much talent you have I don’t know.  Do you feel you have another talent?  It may become bigger than writing talent and you could use it for a living and your writing talent can be for pleasure. Analyze yourself. No one knows us as completely as we know ourselves and see if you are especially interested in anything else.


Be sure to tell me if you have received a letter from Skeet and one from Bill Evans. They both ask me quite often if you have mentioned them.


Be sweet and remember I’m praying for you each night.  Your name is up for the whole church to pray for this week.








Tues. – Sept. 26, 1944





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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.