World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

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Daily Bulletin issued by Lt. Col. C. Ross Greening to the North I Compound

daily bullletin - stalag luft I

North 1 Daily Bulletin 2/26/45  Page 1

North 1 Daily Bulletin 2/26/45  Page 2


Office Of Group Commander
USAAF North Compound I
Stalag Luft I    Barth, Germany
February 26, 1945


Daily Bulletin:

1. Menu:  Br - ( None till further Notice)
                 Dinner:  German Soup (no potatoes)

2. Official:  No Light and Water.  This Hdg. has been notified that water may be shut off at any time in the rooms as necessary without warning so it is recommended that a supply be kept on hand. (In the rooms a reserve) Lights will not be turned on for an indefinite period. Possibly the duration.    Come on Joe.

3. Official:  Red Cross Food will run out Sunday.  No more parcels are in camp and none expected.  Conserve what food you have if any.

4. Official:  Any persons desirous of helping to dig a well, report to Group Maintenance officer at 11:00 Hrs. today.

5. Official:  German Authorities have informed us that the coal ration will be cut another 20% effective immediately.  They can guarantee no more coal.  Come on Joe.

6. Official:  Personal will refrain from taking garbage from Mess Hall garbage tins for obvious reasons.

7. Official:  Some instances of ground glass in the bread have been reported from the South Compound.  Cut your slices thin and report any glass to Hdgs.

8. Official: Personnel are requested to save cellophane from cigarette packages for delivery to the Hospital for making bandages for they are short of same.

9. Official: German Memorandum Feb. 24  "Any Prisoner of War found outside his barracks or looking out of windows during an Air Raid will be fired upon without warning."

10. Official:  Personnel who received bones from the Mess Hall for purposes of making soup; will return same immediately. - (For Re-Issue - they've already been cooked twice)

                                                                                       By Order of
                                                                                       Lt. Col. Greening


G. C.  Mozier
Maj., A.C.


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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.