World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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RAF navigator John Cordner's POW photo from World War II F/O John Cordner
Bomber Command 12 Squadron RAF

Bailed out on 29 August 1944 on a mission to Stettin, after his plane was accidentally bombed by a Lancaster flying above it.


E-mail his nephew at:


John Cordner Dulag ID card John Cordner Room ID at Stalag Luft I Cover of his wartime log  book
 Dulag Luft ID  Stalag Luft I Room card Cover of his book
Menu in POW camp at Stalag Luft I Christmas 1944 Menu at Stalag Luft I Poem written by John Cordner while a prisoner of war at Stalag Luft I
Menu written by John Christmas 1944 menu Poem written by John
Some observations by John Noel Coward text Heard in Kriegieland
 Some observations by John Copy of text by Noel Coward written by John Heard in Kriegeland
Bomber Crew Poem POW Camp Currency POW German Rations and Red Cross Parcels
Bomber Crew poem Camp Currency Rations and Parcels
The Cooler at Stalag Luft I in Barth, Germany
The Cooler at Stalag Luft I
Sketch - Various views at Stalag Luft I Sketch of a POW room at Stalag Luft I POW bunk bed at Stalag Luft i
Various views His Room His Bunk
cartoon sketch of Cordner roommates at Stalag Luft I Stalag Luft I POW barrack - West view - sketch by John Cordner Pencil sketch of Lancaster bomber
His Roommates?? West view Lancaster Bomber
Sketch of POW barrack at Stalag Luft I South West view Pencil sketch of Guard Watch tower at Stalag Luft I POW camp Odds and Ends
 South West Guard Watch Tower Odds & Ends
  concentration camp report  
  Report by F/O Storer about finding a concentration camp at Barth Aerodrome.  



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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.