World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


If you are a former Prisoner of War or a next of kin of a POW, we invite you to sign and leave your email address so others that come may find you. Please mention camp, compound, barracks and room numbers if possible.

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Content Contributions:

Stalag Luft I Online is a website focusing on preserving the memories and history of WWII prisoners of war held at Stalag Luft I in Germany. The human history of WWII is slipping away from us, and we want to capture those firsthand stories now..

History comes alive in the minor details.  Many of us know the dates and the big pieces of this puzzle, but the minute details told by you bring it all to life for us.  So, tell us a story and share a piece of your memories.  Your story is important, and it is unique because it is yours.  You will be building a lasting and priceless treasure for the future.  Thank you for sharing these intimate and sometimes painful fragments of your life with us. We will be forever in your debt.

We can't promise that all contributions will make it on the website, due to time and space limitations. When your contribution is added to our site, you will be notified by email or regular mail  and given the specific website address where you may view it.

We welcome all scans of photos, drawings, letters and YMCA Wartime logs. Scans are preferable to Xerox copies for obvious reasons.  So how about it? Do you have something to share?

Submitting Stories:

Please send your stories to us in a regular Word document via e-mail.  Please do not use ALL CAPS.  If sending by regular mail, please enclose a printed copy of your work with the disk just in case the computer can't read it.   If it's easier to handwrite the letter, please make it as legible as possible, as we will need to re-type your story for publication. Please note there may be delays in publishing handwritten submissions.

Submitting Photographs:

We prefer first-generation prints when ever possible. Digitized images with at a dpi of 150 or better may be sent by e-mail or on CD. Unless you request them to be returned, all photographs shipped to us become the property of Stalag Luft I Online.   Please include a description or comment with each photo explaining it.

All photographs, material and stories submitted to Stalag Luft I Online become the property of Stalag Luft I Online, unless specified to be returned. Stalag Luft I Online will make every possible effort to protect all materials submitted to us for publication while we have them in our custody. 

Our e-mail address:

Our Postal address:

Please request by email

It is suggested you use a traceable means (UPS, Fed-ex or certified USPS)  if sending original documents or only copies to out postal address.  Stalag Luft I Online is not responsible for losses during shipment.


Financial Contributions:

We accept financial contributions to help with our ongoing overhead expenses of keeping the website on line and the memories alive.  You may make a financial donation by credit card via Paypal or  Click on one of the links below to donate.

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Thank you for your contributions

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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.