World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


If you are a former Prisoner of War or a next of kin of a POW, we invite you to sign and leave your email address so others that come may find you. Please mention camp, compound, barracks and room numbers if possible.

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Paul Canin's pencil sketches and bios of his roommates at Stalag Luft I

 Click on thumbnails to enlarge and view full size

Thomas Andrew Steve Barker Bruce Barclay Sam Bender
Thomas Andrew Steve Barker Bruce Barclay Sam Bender
Virgil Burke Harold Elliot John Farley Robert Fillman - Stalag Luft I POW
Virgil Burke Harold Elliot John Farley Robert Fillman
Arnold Hunger - WWII POW Henry M. Jones - Stalag Luft I POW Mike Keessee - WWII Prisoner of War James Newbold - sketch by Paul Canin
Arnold Hunger Henry M. Jones Mike Keesee James Newbold
Thomas Parks - Stalag Luft I POW sketch Shelby Pitts - WWII prisoner of war at Stalag Luft I William Staub - WWII POW James Stone - Stalag Luft I
Thomas Parks Shelby Pitts William Staub James Stone
Elroy Wyman - POW killed by guard at Stalag Luft I      
Elroy Wyman      


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This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.