World War II prisoner of war camp - Stalag Luft I


World War II - Prisoners of War - Stalag Luft I 

A collection of stories, photos, art and information on Stalag Luft I


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F/Sgt. William Branigan
RAF - 49th Squadron  - Navigator on R-Roger

Shot down by German Night Fighter on January 14, 1944.
Stalag Luft I POW - South Compound



Passed away in 2001 at age 89.


Click here to e-mail his family

Bill's account of the events of  the night of 14th January 1944:

They were flying along at night. Suddenly, tracer fire came from below and in front of the aircraft.  The gun fire hit the underside of the aircraft.  The aircraft was in trouble. The pilot gave the bail out order.

Bill left the aircraft through the hatch in the nose.  The underside of the aircraft was a mass of flame.  The next thing Bill knew he was lying on a tresle table in a police post.  The policemen were trying to remove his parachute harness.  He had no memory of his descent.

The flight engineer, Duncan Jerrard, had bailed out before Bill.  Bill got tangled on the bomb sight, so was delayed exiting.  As Duncan Jerrard descended on his parachute, he looked for other parachutes and did not see any.  As he neared the ground he looked down to check his landing area, below him a parachute flared out full for a brief second, then collapsed as it's passenger hit the ground.  This must have been Bill landing.  

Duncan was on the run for four days. For the first three days he lay low, traveled only at night, then he found a bicycle. to steal, and decided to brazen it out and  cycle during daylight.  He was riding through a village and was challenged.  He tried to escape by speeding up.  The village postman stopped Duncan by throwing his delivery bike in front of Duncan's cycle.

 Bill and Duncan were the only survivors of their crew.  After the Germans accounted for the seven crew members, they arranged to take Bill to a POW camp.  Bill and his escort were heading for the railway station, it was daytime and the air raid siren  sounded.  The escort took Bill into an air raid shelter.  The the USAF bombers arrived overhead.  Bill says it was the most terrifying experience of the war for him.  When the raid was over the escort took Bill to the railway station.  Bill says there were long lines of dead bodies.

R-Roger crew of RAF 49th  Squadron

R-Roger crew - Lancaster Bomber JB295
Front row - Pilot Andrew Lawson-Tancred is second from left.
Bill Branigan is far right.


R-Roger crew of RAF 49th Squadron

R-Roger Crew publicity photo.
Bill Branigan is drinking from mug.


Lancaster R-Roger  Royal Air Force

Lancaster R-Roger
RAF MIA letter

Missing in Action Letter issued by Royal Air Force


Sir Henry Lawson-Tancred letter to Bill Branigan   Sir Henry Lawson-Tancred letter to Bill Branigan

Letter to Bill from Pilot's brother

Ministry of Defence letter to Lawson-Tancred   Ministry of Defence letter to Lawson-Tancred   Ministry of Defence letter to Lawson-Tancred

Letter to Pilot's brother from Ministry of Defence
British propaganda dropped over France in World War II   British propaganda dropped over France in World War II   British propaganda dropped over France in World War II   British propaganda dropped over France in World War II

Newsheet dropped over Occupied France in July 1943 during one of Bill's bombing runs.

Branigan Dulag Luft ID card 
Dulag Luft card


Stalag Luft I Room ID card

Room ID Card at Stalag Luft I

Stalag Luft I South Compound Map
Stalag Luft I Map of South Compound
British YMCA wartime log
British YMCA Wartime Log
Branigan YMCA log
Bill's YMCA Wartime Log
memories of stalag luft I
Memories of Stalag Luft I
Germany map

Barth & Germany Map
Wings of various nationalities in World War II POW camp   Wings of various nationalities in World War II POW camp   Wings of various nationalities in World War II POW camp   Wings of various nationalities in World War II POW camp

Wings of various nationalities in Stalag Luft I POW camp
Barracks at Stalag Luft I West Compound

Stalag Luft I Barracks and Guard Tower
POW cartoon

Wife's letters
Yanks - As we see them

Yanks - As We See Them
In Appreciation of Red Cross

In Appreciation of Red Cross
Prayer for the Royal Air Force

Prayer for the Royal Air Force
Kriegie Chatter

Kriegie Chatter
P-40 Kittyhawk Dive Bomber

P-40 Kittyhawk Dive Bomber
Andrew I. Smith
Andrew I. Smith
William Addison - RAF wireless Operator
William Addison
Duncan Jerrard - RAF Flight Engineer
Duncan Jerrard
Leslie A. Parker - RAF Wireless Operator
Leslie A. Parker
Peter Jung  - RAF Air Gunner
Peter Jung
Joseph Pennicott - RAF Wireless Operator
Joseph Pennicott
Charles Brennett
Charles Bennett
William Branigan
William Branigan
Gerard H. Turgeon
Gerard H. Turgeon
Edward H. Harris
Edward H. Harris
James P. Lehman
James P. Lehman
Percy Stevens-Hoare
Percy Stevens-Hoare
James King
James King
Joseph E. Smith
Joseph E. Smith
Stalag Luft I Theatre ticket
Stalag Luft I Theatre ticket

POW Camp Money

German stamps

Classic Music Concert at Stalag Luft I   Camp Orchester at Stalag Luft I South Compound

Classical Music Program by Camp Orchestra of South Compound
April 10 - 13, 1945
POW camp wings

Wings made in the camp.  Overall width 2 3/4 " overall height 7/8".
Solder melted from seams of tin containers.  Mold made of plaster of paris taken from medical centre. 






This site created and maintained by Mary Smith and Barbara Freer, daughters of Dick Williams, Jr.